4 channel preamp (maybe) needed - Money no object


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2009
I'm basically wanting to beef up my home studio with a multi channel mic pre. Right now I'm farting around on an ART digital MPA. It's ok but entry level IMO and now that my car is about paid off I'm going to have quite a bit of $$ to play with every month and I'm wanting to build my studio up to the point where I can record local band demos. Though I get compliments on my recordings as it is, I'm not happy with them and I think that the ART may be part of the problem.

So with that being said, I'm wanting to go from 2 to 4 channels. Main reason is that I want to use more than 2 mics at once. I want to be able to hook up a 3rd mic (ribbon most likely) to capture the sound from the gutiars a bit away from the cab.

Now, here's my dillema. I can either invest in another high quality 2 channel pre and run my 421 and 57 through that and then get a nice single channel pre and run the ribbon into that OR get a good 4 channel pre and run all the mics into it.

If I go the 4 channel route, it seems like the Vintech 473 is really all there is but if going 2 channel, there are countless different pre's and would really let me get more specific with the sound.

I've read nothing but rave reviews of the universal audio 2-610.

if I went that route with a 2 channel pre for the 57/421, what would the ideal preamp for something like a royer 121 be if recording ONLY heavy guitars?

Any suggestions or alternatives would be greatly appreciated and I'm not in a rush to buy this stuff. I'm planning on taking a serious look at the end of the year and going from there but I need a list of things to look at to see if I can most importantly go see/hear one in person, if not ask around to a couple of producer friends of mine and see what they say.
Here are three options, all of which are INCREDIBLE. Faultless, just different colours.
Api 3124, Chandler Tg2, Great River Mp2Nv
any of those will do. The Ua is pretty cool, but distrorts very easily on louder sources
Here are three options, all of which are INCREDIBLE. Faultless, just different colours.
Api 3124, Chandler Tg2, Great River Mp2Nv
any of those will do. The Ua is pretty cool, but distrorts very easily on louder sources

I second all three of these.

I'd probably go with the API 3124 (if you want 4 channels) or the Great River MP2-NV (which is two channels). The API has a punchier, more aggressive sound and the Great River has a bigger, warmer sound. Either one will be pretty unbeatable.