404 Errors make me wanna headbutt myself in the FACE


Carpe Verendus
Mar 3, 2008
A town near you!
I've been looking all around the forums, and every like there is leads to a 404 error page. I've been looking for *any* live rehearsals, live show clips, audio clips, etc that I can find and all of them have been taken down. What's up with that? I can't even find Skeletor Goes To Mars! Anyone know where I can find anything like that? Other then the Ichthus/Mountian/Twist Of Fate clip on youtube? Or that really poor quality Twist Of Fate one? Thanks.
404 Errors make me wanna headbutt myself in the FACE

Do it, do it, do it!
I'd pay a humongous sum of cash to see a person do that. :D
So... anyone have those files I was talkin' about? Specifically, I want Skeletor Goes To Mars. I lost it after my computer died. It's quite frustrating. What ELSE am I supposed to blast through the Walmart parking lot!!?!? Can anyone rapidshare it?

And to Aletheus - I'm planning on adding that Self - Headbutt to a movie thingy me & some friends are planning to do. So it may be a while, but gosh darnit, it's gonna happen! I'll totally send you the clip, or maybe the whole thing. It's gonna be ridiculous.