Originally posted by neal
the short version is: its when albert hoffman synthesized LSD.

Exactly. This is probably a mystery that shall never be solved unless WD decides to stop being cryptic and let us know! ;)

If a Nevermoure fan tried listening to Nevermore,their head would explode...sorry for bringing up Nevermoure,I guess we're done w/them for now due to the absence of Nevermoure bashing threads.Let's try NOT to make the rest of this thread about those who shall not be mentioned.
Heavy metal is above all other genres of music in talent,intelligence(well,some of them,anyway...there are others who are just neanderthals when it come to songwriting...*cough<Chris Barnes>cough cough*),substance,perpose and longevity.Heavy metal is supirior to all:devil: :worship: :devil: :hotjump: :headbang:
can't agree on that one......there are other genres with great genious musicians in it. just think about irish folk, jazz, classical music, esp. JS bach.

but still metal just gives me the kick!!!! \m/


ps. chris barnes is cool....manowar are neanderthals i say....
Yeah,okay,there are the more obscure genres of music that can be very intelligent.But,like I'm quick to admit,I am narrow minded when it comes to music.Though I appriciate some of those other genres-classical and country are okay.I can tolerate some of that stuff.And,nothing against Chris Barnes as a person.I just think that,while I wish I could write as imaginatively as he can,that his song lyrics aren't exactly brilliant.I think there's one song lyrics about how something or other can"drive you nuts".When I read that I wondered how he could seriously write something so dumb.
I hear that Manowar has gay lyrics,I guess I'll read 'em to see just how stupid they are.:rolleyes:
manowar lyrics:

"tell my family how i died"
"all those who stand in my way will die by steel"
"other bands play, manowar kills"
"woman, be my slave..."
"fight when the iron is hot
steel is strongest so say we all
and if we all were not brothers of metal
would we fall, no!
they tried to test our spirit
they tasted steel..."

why the heavy metal persons, are always heavily featured in winning all the awards, for the best of everything!!!

Think abou tit....

I remember at yur age I like the stuff they did, because you would not find any fillers on teh cd's...lyrics well I don't really care for 'em....I know the mesage of life and the key, I don't need to hear the preaching.....

as there are no puzzles to me or around me, just think of the experinces you will have...
as there are no puzzles to me or around me, just think of the experinces you will have...

can anyone tell me what this joker is talking about?