43 yr old teacher "digitally penetrates" 16 yr old student

digit = finger

he finger-banged her.

he should be taken out and shot in the head... being a teacher requires a bond of trust with the families, especially the parents, of the young students, and it's fair to say he slaughtered that.
digit = finger

he finger-banged her.

he should be taken out and shot in the head... being a teacher requires a bond of trust with the families and parents of the young students, and it's fair to say he slaughtered that.

Thanks for dumbing that down for me I had no clue what the hell it was.

And yeh this shit is fuckin disgusting. But hey at least now whats his name from the Brokencyde thread can come here and have a legit argument about pedo's :D
Why? He didn't rape her...

laws about these kind of things are crazy.

I know a guy who "raped" a girl.....I probably shouldn't post a link but...yeah....30 year old dude "raped" a 13 year old girl....girl gave herself a home abortion....and dude buried the fetus in the woods. I used to be in a band with the guy....was good friends with him for quite a few years. Its fucking crazy ..... 50 counts of rape, $250,000 bail....probably 20 years of jail time. And I bet she wanted it at the time.
wow brett... quite an odd re-entry to the forum. welcome back?


1.... yes, he did... if you read the story, they had actual intercourse as well, and in the U.S. sex with anyone under 17 is statutory rape. Also he's a teacher, they are supposed to be trustworthy.

2.... even digital penetration is considered sexual assault... and if the girl is too young for consent, as in this case, it is again considered rape.

he violated a major trust... and he deserves severe punishment.
laws about these kind of things are crazy.

I know a guy who "raped" a girl.....I probably shouldn't post a link but...yeah....30 year old dude "raped" a 13 year old girl....girl gave herself a home abortion....and dude buried the fetus in the woods. I used to be in a band with the guy....was good friends with him for quite a few years. Its fucking crazy ..... 50 counts of rape, $250,000 bail....probably 20 years of jail time. And I bet she wanted it at the time.

50 counts of one of the single most heinous acts one could possibly do, and the fucking bastard is only getting 20 years/250k? Fuck that, man. Outrageous. And it matters not if the young slut wanted it or not, 90% of 13 year olds are retarded.. Which is what these losers take advantage of in the first place.
wow brett... quite an odd re-entry to the forum. welcome back?


1.... yes, he did... if you read the story, they had actual intercourse as well, and in the U.S. sex with anyone under 17 is statutory rape. Also he's a teacher, they are supposed to be trustworthy.

2.... even digital penetration is considered sexual assault... and if the girl is too young for consent, as in this case, it is again considered rape.

he violated a major trust... and he deserves severe punishment.


16 in New Jersey.
yeah, in Utah or some shit it's even younger... but the guy is 43 and a teacher... not someone she met at "da club".

anyway... Jersey is fucked up, lol.
Dudes... if it's good enough for Mohammad, who was a fucking prophet, then us mere mortals should be able to get some 16 year old fresh slot.

I kid. I kid.

Technically though, my first girlfriend raped me. I loved it.
wow brett... quite an odd re-entry to the forum. welcome back?

:D :wave:
Yeah I've been back for a couple of weeks but there are so many things going on here that it's impossible to read everything...

.... yes, he did... if you read the story, they had actual intercourse as well, and in the U.S. sex with anyone under 17 is statutory rape.

Definition of rape: force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with him without their consent and against their will, esp. by the threat or use of violence against them.
It was not the case from what the story tells, they were getting into a "relationship" (no one can tell what would have happened, and we don't care).

Also he's a teacher, they are supposed to be trustworthy.

On this we agree, but to shot him in the head is a bit "too much" for someone who was having a "forbidden" romance with a girl which was a few months away from sexual majority, no?
16 year olds can not consent to sexual relations in some US states. That being said, just cause she allowed him to do it doesn't make it right. This fucker should be sent to prison for a long ass time and be digitally penetrated in his ass by other inmates so he knows what its like.

Assholes like this need to be put away forever, have their teaching certifications revoked, and be made to do public service by cleaning our highways while on a chain gang
Definition of rape: force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with him without their consent and against their will, esp. by the threat or use of violence against them.
It was not the case from what the story tells, they were getting into a "relationship" (no one can tell what would have happened, and we don't care).

Its STATUTORY rape....Still the same but different -

"The phrase statutory rape is a term used in some legal jurisdictions to describe sexual activities where one participant is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.[1] Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sex with minors under the age of consent,[1] the age at which individuals are considered competent to give consent to sexual conduct, it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term "statutory rape" in the language of statutes.[2] Different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault," "rape of a child," "corruption of a minor," "carnal knowledge of a minor," "unlawful carnal knowledge", or simply "carnal knowledge." Statutory rape differs from forcible rape in that overt force or threat need not be present. The laws presume coercion, because a minor or mentally challenged adult is legally incapable of giving consent to the act.
The term statutory rape generally refers to sex between an adult and a sexually mature minor past the age of puberty. Sexual relations with a prepubescent child, generically called "child molestation," is typically treated as a more serious crime."
16 year olds can not consent to sexual relations in some US states.

They can in the state in question. I looked it up for a reason. She is 16... 16 is the legal age.. ergo.. no crime is committed if she says she was up for it.

That being said, just cause she allowed him to do it doesn't make it right.

Well... it's a tricky situation. The article says she reported the incidents... which seems that after they happened, she changed her mind.

This fucker should be sent to prison for a long ass time and be digitally penetrated in his ass by other inmates so he knows what its like.

Assholes like this need to be put away forever, have their teaching certifications revoked, and be made to do public service by cleaning our highways while on a chain gang

What's with the emotional charge? Wishing rape on a person is not much better than actually raping someone.

But as usual - another bullshit scare-mongering article with no real information, designed to instigate witch-hunts all over the world and help us avoid our dull lives.
16 year olds can not consent to sexual relations in some US states. That being said, just cause she allowed him to do it doesn't make it right. This fucker should be sent to prison for a long ass time and be digitally penetrated in his ass by other inmates so he knows what its like.

Assholes like this need to be put away forever, have their teaching certifications revoked, and be made to do public service by cleaning our highways while on a chain gang

I completely agree with you, but it's so hard to take your post seriously with your sig just staring at me :p