44th President of the USA

My perfect world would see a white man as the leading Democrat. Democrats seem to be trying to be controversial with thier candidates more than anything, and as much of a fan as I was of Bill Clinton, I absolutely would DREAD Hillary in office.

I like what Ive seen from Ron Paul lately, I hope he gets some more financial backing and can make a serious run at the white house.
Why would race or gender have anything to do with it? I can certianly see why people would be aprehensive about Crazy Hilary, but whats wrong with Barack Obama? He IS part white, anyway :P
Ron Paul's supporters seem to be small in number so far, but very vocal and supportive. One wonders how many are 'crossover Democrats' who oppose the Iraq war, but who also aren't taken with any of the Democrats running?

As a small-ell libertarian, I'd be all in favor of Ron Paul, except for one nagging reservation.

Anyway, it's going to be an interesting year. :muahaha:
I'll probably be voting Libertarian, unless the Republicans or the Democrats start respecting human rights.

Then again... maybe I'll vote for Dennis Kucinich... I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of Elizabeth on TV. ;)
Then again... maybe I'll vote for Dennis Kucinich... I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of Elizabeth on TV. ;)

I had to do a Google image search to see what you were talking about. Is she really that tall, or is he that small? BTW, anybody who says they've seen a UFO gets my vote...:heh:

However, I will most likely vote for Ron Paul initially, but he will probably not even get in the real race. At that point, I will probably vote for an independant.
I had been hoping for a couple years that someone would talk Ron Paul into running. When I heard he was actually forming an exploratory committee earlier in the year, I was excited to see what would come of it, but I had no idea he would even go as far as he has. Now, I believe we've only begun and we can actually win...we have an uphill battle to fight, I have no misconceptions about that, but the campaign has reason to believe they are going to start shaking things up come the early primaries. Honestly, if it isn't going to be Ron Paul, I won't bother voting because there is no real difference between the other probable candidates. None of them will stop the erosion of our national sovereignty, and only Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo have spoken openly against the SPP and plans for a North American Union. Kucinich and Gravel would end the war, but Gravel is a globalist and both are for a big, BIG government nanny state. All the democrats are gun grabbers and have no real respect for the Constitution. Hillary...Hillary is a cacodaemon. Giuliani is an authoritarian, a liar and he scares the shit out of me. Romney is like an evil used car salesman. I don't trust any man who smiles that much and lies so damned easy. Fred Thompson...Fred Thompson is not even really in the race, and his "staunch conservatism" is nowhere to be found in his actual voting record or personal history. I see him as a foil to hold over disgruntled, real conservatives who might otherwise be more tempted to look into Ron Paul.

Its Ron Paul or bust. Really, I have a deep concern that Ron Paul may be the last hope this country has. If we keep going down this road, whether its with a neo-con or a liberal, the nation our forefathers fought and died for will likely no longer exist.