
Oct 4, 2005
I just Bought an Ampeg Vh-140c head and now I need a cab. Is there any advice you guys have or any you would recomend? Keep in mind that I'm poor so if there is a good bang for the buck that you know of please let me know. Thanks guys (or gals)
No guys it's a guitar head. They stopped making them a while ago.
My local music store has a used Marshall 1960 lead 4x12 cab for $450.00
are those any good?
I would highly suggest checking out a Carvin Legacy cab, I own the 2x12 and love it to death, plus its fairly cheap (you can get a 4x12 on ebay for under $400) I would have gotten the 4x12 but I just cant lug it around with my bad back.

But then again, it really depends on your playing style, the legacy lacks a little on the bottom end, but makes up for it with screaming mids and highs (If you know how Steve Vai plays, then you would understand the bit of lack in the low end.)
I had an Ampeg VH-150 (VH-140C without chorus), it was absolutely crushing. Best solid state amp I've ever played. I'd say get a used Marshall 1960 cab, or a used Mesa Recto 412.