4x12 speaker test, which is the best?

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I used one 57 touching the grill where the dust cap meets the cone. I need some help determining he best speaker. I know which one I DON'T like, but need some opinions on the others.

Bottom Left
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/BL dust_grill.mp3

Bottom Right
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/BR dust_grill.mp3

Top Left
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/TL dust_grill.mp3

Top Right
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52578704/TR dust_grill.mp3

*Should probably mention theres zero post processing. in case anyone needed to ask

*everything on the head is at noon
Either top right or bottom right. Either way, there isn't a huge huge difference between them.

And that difference could very well be slight difference in mic placement.

Sometimes, it's tests like these that leave me scratching my head, thinking "Why?"......Because it seems like such a miniscule difference to even be noticeable in a mix.
sometimes i like dialing in my tone before doing a test like this because it can also be about which speaker your tone sounds best through

but anyway, theres something about the bottom left that calls out to me, I feel like it would fit best in a mix. but the top right is definitely your brightest. I'm actually surprised how different each of these speakers sound. whats the cab again? a fender?
Bottom right. Throw it in a mix and let's hear it. I hate speaker mic placement. First time around I spent two hours hovering a SM57 in front of a V30 and by the time I was done i still wasn't happy. Once you find the sweet spot mark it, measure it and take a photo.
Thanks joblon and Robert W for your input. :) And yeah I FREAKING hate speaker tests. I'm about to do another one on the Peavey XXX 412 I just got. I won't post a thread poll though. It'll be an independent test lol