$5 per cymbal packs FTW

^ same here. I'm interested by the Wolf cymbal pack but wav & nki only... No chance to get TCI files?
This was May 2014 but I can go ahead and throw them up again for 5 just so you guys can play with some new stuff. And my cymbals are all NKI. No tci, I hate having separate instruments for chokes and rides. I'll post back soon
:D I saw the post of Nezvers and did not look at the date ahah!
Excuse my ignorance but why TCIs are not a good idea for cymbals? I never had to replace cymbals but it can be usefull sometimes and I actually saw some TCIs in the cymbal packs...
Prices changed, it will say the original price but when you click "buy now" it will show $5.00 for each cymbal pack. This will be a quick one, hit it up. 😊
:D I saw the post of Nezvers and did not look at the date ahah!

Actually that's the same situation for me - I saw marios.blythe asking about them and since it was first post after OT (how it could not have any posts), so I automatically assumed it's fresh OT.

I just grabbed Indi; wolf; cymbal 1 - THANKS PETER!!!
I'm getting them more as collection addition, so it's like support to you. I'm not getting much action, to be able use grate samples I've collected.
Thanks a lot man, much appreciated!!! :kickass:

I just grabbed Indi; wolf; cymbal 1 - THANKS PETER!!!I'm getting them more as collection addition, so it's like support to you. I'm not getting much action, to be able use grate samples I've collected.

Same here. Bought the Ethos pack :)
oh shit i didn't see the date of the topic :rofl:
i was searching for cymbal samples on google and i thought that the post where new so i bumped it :rofl: