50 Watt JCM 800 Settings?


May 14, 2009
Got a JCM800?

Getting great metal tones from it?

Care to share your settings? (including the settings for whatever you have in front of it)

I built a JCM800 clone. I finished it about a year ago. I'm not really getting anything out of it that is blowing me away. I know its capable of tonal supremacy. Just not sure how to go about getting that. I imagine the answer is what lies in front of the amp...

If there are any JCM800 owners out there that wouldnt mind sharing some wisdom on this topic I'd be very appreciative. :worship:

I'd love to get that Opeth-y type tone out of it.
if you can't get a decent tone out of it with an OD in front and all the knobs at 12 0'clock, you did something wrong in the building process or values are wrong somewhere... try the standard TS settings with the knobs all pointing up and work it from there...

I fail to understand not being able to coax any kind of good tone out of an amp... every amp has a good/usable tone somewhere/how with it...
Start with every EQ knob at 10, Preamp vol at 10, master volume at 7, presence about the same. Turn knobs down until you get a sound that you're starting to like, then push the front end with the OD.

For whatever reason, working backwards from max has always been easier for me on 2203s and 2204s.