5150 models question

Here's what I know. They are the same. There was just a copyright issue and they decided to drop the EVH block letters for the Eddie signature. Same head, I heard this from Peavey themselves. Of course all tube heads sound different thats probably why some guys like the dudes in Machine Head think their EVH models are better.

I just bought a 5150 II. We already have a regular 5160 here at the studio. They are about the same. Besides the better clean channel the II has some kind of mod that effects the tone a bit and an added preamp tube. I kind of like how the II mod seems to flatten out the big 1k bump the the regular 5150 has. I tune down to A# and that 1k presence kind of makes it sound honky.

But I did have to fool around with it a bit to make it beat the previous model. First I swapped out the shit power tubes in there for some GT 6l6's. Not the best I think but better. Then I swapped out the V1 preamp tube(far right) for a 12AT7 instead of the normal AX7. I did not like the added saturation that the 6th tube adds cause it kind of compresses out the growl. The AT7 is a much cleaner tube mostly for other applications like Hi-Fi amps and shit. It takes away about 10% of your gain and adds a growl that is a little more rough. (Sepultura Roots tone to a very minor degree I'd say). Also I dialed in the bias, cause it has an adjustment. Anyway Now I love the amp and I beats out our other 5150 for tuned down tone.

Thanks for the info... I have been interested in getting a tube amp for a while and the 5150 seems very appealing. Although I love the convenience and consistency of Line 6, I am curious about trying the real thing for myself.
I love my 5150 212 combo. It's got the signature, not block...even though I don't think the combos ever had the block letters...Anyway, I love the 5150's distortion, it's very smooth compared to other amps. I also have a 5150II head and the matching 4x12, the difference, IMO, is that the II has a more modern and "aggressive" sound...but not *TOO* different from the original. It's there, just gotta pay attention. I too swapped the last 12ax7 for an at7, much better sound, to me anyway. I payed $450 for my original 5150 combo on eBay, new they were like $1200 at the time. I bought my 5150II half-stack for retail price...I forget how much. Yep, latah.

There's a slight difference in the gain structure of the two, regardless of what Peavey tells you. Mesa also tells you that all the 2 channel Recto's are the same, when in reality, the 92-93, 94-95, and 96-01 models are quite different.
I saw an ad for the new Peavey 6505 amp. Remember somebody on here talking about how this was going to happen? Its the 5150 but with a new name. Eddie walked away from Peavey and he has the copyright on the name 5150. They said in the ad that its the exact same amp.

I really really doubt that they will come out with the exact same amp, with the same circuit. I know that 5150 is a signature sound now and they wouldn't want to fuck with that, but I think they would at least try to fix that useless clean channel and add some different wattage models and such.
Actually, it is the same exact amp. EVH only owned the rights to the name "5150," not the circuitry or sound. Peavey owns the design, sound, and everything but the kitchen sink and the name as far as that amp goes. You can read about it on Peavey's website. If they said it had the same sound, and it didn't, we would've heard about that by now. I haven't had a chance to play on one yet, but I'm pretty confident that Peavey will keep it consistent. Now it's only a matter of time until my 5150 becomes "vintage" gear since they won't make any more with the 5150 logo, that way I can sell it way over-priced, and get something else...JSX or a XXX maybe. Latah.
