5150II vs Waves SSL4000 Plugin GGI Dilemma Help

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
What pisses off Genius Gone Insane so much about this is that it isn't even a tough decision. He plans to part ways with his5150II and use those funds to purchase the Waves SSL 4000 plugs...

I am not sure what planet Genius Gone Insane has been on but he must have missed the thread that talked about how insanely mandatory the SSL 4000 bundle is.

Genius Gone Insane had a chance to demo the SSL 4000 plugs last week and instantly his mixes got that feel that they had been missing. All the sudden Genius Gone Insane went from dating the fat nerd pig with the acne and bad breath to banging the prom queen.

Genius Gone Insane for some reason is struggling with the fact that he is going to need to get rid of some equipment in order to get the SSL 4000. Genius Gone Insane's 5150II is going to have to be the casualty as it will sell for very near the $650 required for the SSL 4000.

It seems like a simple, no-brainer decision but Genius Gone Insane would like to hear your feedback. Perhaps you would like to reinforce his decision or perhaps you might say "never get rid of that 5150II".