

spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
On November 9, one of Britain’s most infamous extreme metal bands, Cradle of Filth, will release their ninth studio album on Nuclear Blast Records, Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa. A concept album based on the mythology of Adam’s first wife, the demoness Lilith, the album is being touted by the band’s notoriously gabby frontman Dani Filth as the band’s most brutal, heavy outing to date. Leading up to the release, the band is posting video blogs, the first of which can be found here to share insights about the germination of the writing and recording of their new opus.

You’ll also find some of the album artwork, new photos and a link to currently download an MP3 of the track “Lilith Immaculate,” with new material, fan contests, an iPhone app and additional preview tracks to be added on a weekly basis starting Wednesday, September 22 until it’s released.