6505+ Rough Master, Very Heavy

intrumental tone is very good and really heavy. but vocals have too many pitchshifted voices... Would try a more hardcore sounding vocal setup. the really deep growls are good but the shouts sound too unnatural to me.
Now keep in mind i have quite a cold so my ears are not up to par.

However, the mix is heavy! yes, very well done.. love the guitar sound and bass, but the vocals seemed to be buried in the mix and muffled.
In fact, the whole mix sounds muffled to me, lot's of great low end and mids, but im really missing the agression of the higher EQ's.
Thanks a lot for the feedback, and yes i can definitely see your opinion on the vocals. I did 4 tracks, 2 with an sm7b and 2 with a large diaphragm condenser, the condenser adds a lot of detail while the sm7 is very full yet VERY dark. I think i have to pull the sm7 down and bring the condenser up a bit.

and @ccc, theres actually a lot of stuff going on but i think the tones just work nicely together. Bass also has a parallel track running with some distortion on it, and the guitar is just hi and low passed, SLIGHT eq, and c4 holding down lows.