70000 Tons of Metal 2012

Oh, awesome, they're doing it again?!

This year's line up was amazing, I really wish I could have gone. If it's going to be as good again (and let's face it, it's looking likely - a good start to the lineup there already!), I need to start playing the lottery again... it's the only way I'm going to be able to afford it. :p
Wanted to go on the last one so badly... looks like I won't be able to afford it once again however. Would love if this continued to be an annual thing, then maybe in a few years I could go... the last line-up was remarkable - plenty of bands I would kill to see for the first time/again, and plenty of bands I wouldn't mind missing so I could take a breather! Kai Hansen even joined Blind Guardian on Valhalla during the trip... how awesome would that have been to experience?
Pretty much still of the same opinion when this was first announced, Kingface. Can't shake the feeling it's sticking two fingers up at fans who instead of getting to see the band they support in a more local setting, even if that's a European festival, bands are putting their efforts into sodding off to the Cayman islands playing to fans with bigger wallets. Seems really exclusivist. Bah I'm just bitter :)