8 FOOT SATIVA: 'The Shadow Masters' Video Released


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
"The Shadow Masters", the new video from the New Zealand metal band 8 FOOT SATIVA, can be seen below. The song is the title track of the group's latest album, which was released in August 2013.Regarding the video, the band had this to say: "Our new video, 'The Shadow Masters', is the first video from the new album, 'The Shadow Masters'."We decided to return to our past and bring back an animated approach to the political viewpoint that this song is about: a controversial plant fighting back against corporate control and greed. "We met with top New Zealand animators Mukpuddy to discuss and brainstorm the idea. "'The Shadow Masters' is the first video in the trilogy we have planned, and as you will see, one pig down and still four to go."8 FOOT SATIVA is a New Zealand based metal band formed in 1998. Their most famous single is the self-titled "8 Foot Sativa", which was number one on "M2", a late-night New Zealand music show for 12 weeks, and stayed on the chart for seven months. The band has toured and released albums internationally, and has played alongside artists such as KORN, CHILDREN OF BODOM and FEAR FACTORY.
