a band called Mogwai


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
I was on my musical quest, discovering new bands, when i found this great band called Mogwai...
I don't know how to describe them, it's kinda ambient-rock or something...

anyone knows them?
i sure do

their style is post-rock

i have all of their albums, and they're one of my favourite bands.

as a first purchase, i would suggest the album "young team".
You should be able to find their music on the Matador label! Very nice tunes indeed! mmmm soundscapes....
I have "Come on die young". Really great stuff, I have to find that on CD as now it is just on tape and I really don't like tapes. I have no idea whatsoever as to what post-rock is supposed to be, but I would not care to have one either. Mogwai are really good nevertheless.
Awesome seeing a thread like this here, does not surprise me of course ( ya know since we are the coolest people in the world and all:) ). I just heard them for the first time a couple of weeks ago and liked it very much.