A band I recorded over the weekend.


Aug 17, 2006
Seattle, WA
They wanted a rough mix to throw up on Myspace while they wait for the fully mixed versions.

What do you think?

Song 2:


New Mix of Song 1:

First rough mix Song 1:

The drums have some samples mixed in. The snare has very little, the kick has about a 75% blend, and the toms are both at full blend.
I think it is a very even mix. Although, I'm not a fan of the snare or the sustained guitar tone. Anytime there is chugging it sounds fine, I think it might be more of a guitar thing than anything you can do. I like the effect you've used to introduce space to the speaking guy's voice. But, take all this with a grain of salt, I'm listening through headphones at work.
Overall it sounds good, that kick makes me think of the new Ion Dissonance CD. The vocals sound a little too clear and detailed for the style, though. And I also don't like the snare too much, I think there's too much bad room sound in it or something...like a bedroom or something. If you could get the snare to sound more close up, it would make the whole mix sound way more professional. The guitar tone is good!
I'm excited someone likes the guitar tone. I've been trying really hard because in the past it usually sucks! Haha.

Maybe I'll post up just the drum mix so you guys can hear the snare with and without sample.
The vocals sound a bit dry, as does the snare..

However, the rest of it sounds wicked! nice mix, nice balance... try some compression on the vocals, some stereo reverb to make it sound bigger/wider.
Okay, so a little more info. This band wanted to cup the mic to sing for their 'low lows.' The song I posted above he did it for most of the lows but sang into a u195 for the rest. So this other song I'm posting he did fully through the u195 which made me happy.

But anyway. What do you guys think about the bass guitar? In the song I posted before it was a DI through a Radial JDI and a miced up cab with the u195, both through BAE 312a's. The new song I sent the DI out to a Sansamp and just used that.

And I just mixed it tonight. Listening back it sounds like the guitars need to come up. And the kick sounds a little loud.


Oh, and there are a couple of missed kick triggers I need to fix.
I think it needs some snare's process and an overall work regarding the mix brightness...sounds a little too "close" and dry.
Anyway overall mix sounds good man!
I think it needs some snare's process and an overall work regarding the mix brightness...sounds a little too "close" and dry.
Anyway overall mix sounds good man!

Which song?

And yeah. In the past a lot of my mixes are a little dull and not bright. I was going to make a thread about it because it seems to happen a lot. I don't know why, though. I don't roll off highs of anything except guitars and stuff. Does everybody boost their high ends or what?
Does everybody boost their high ends or what?

I boost the top end a lot. I'm not sure if its because I suck when tracking (and not capturing enough), but the overheads and vocals tend to get boosted a lot when I'm mixing. I think its also important to make sure the guitars have enough high end. Its a tricky one to get right, but I think its pretty important to do.

Give it a try and post your results!
So what all do you boost the high end on? I was thinking of trying out some guy's technique I read on the mixerman boards about multing the overheads and hipassing them really high and eqing up the high end a ton and then sneaking those up to give a lot of sparkle to the cymbals.

And vocals? What are you looking to bring out with these kind of growly vocals?
Boosting the high end will bring out a sense of closeness. It should alleviate the sense of dullness. When you are boosting the high end on anything, you will probably doing it with the intent of getting it more upfront and close sounding.

Boosting the top end on vocals will make them sound a lot more in your face (for stuff with growly vocals), or give a kind of closeness on softer stuff. I pretty much always boost the top end on vocals (bar a few vocalists paired with certain mics).

Try playing around with it, and listen for the difference.
Listening to it now, the cymbals have quite a nice sound to them already, although a slight boost may help open things out a bit. I think the vocals would definitely benefit from boosts from anywhere from about 3kHz upwards. Boost up to around 12k if it works, try it.

The mix is sounding nice, although I find the kick is slightly intrusive to the mix, I'd may suggest dropping some (more?) mids from it. The drums have a dry sound to them which is pretty cool (as long as you were going for that of course!).

I think the guitars could maybe louder.

Good job so far though mate!
Listening to it now, the cymbals have quite a nice sound to them already, although a slight boost may help open things out a bit. I think the vocals would definitely benefit from boosts from anywhere from about 3kHz upwards. Boost up to around 12k if it works, try it.

The mix is sounding nice, although I find the kick is slightly intrusive to the mix, I'd may suggest dropping some (more?) mids from it. The drums have a dry sound to them which is pretty cool (as long as you were going for that of course!).

I think the guitars could maybe louder.

Good job so far though mate!

Thanks for the compliments. Which song are you talking about? The first or second? I know in the second song the kick sounds just a tad too loud to me.

The kit sounds pretty dry, too, just because I'm terrible with reverb. I probably have some on the snare and that's about it.
No probs man, I listened to the first link in your first post. I have really been working on my snares recently, just trying to get more of a crack in the sound, and just generally been working on processing them. Keep at it, took me way too long getting it right.

Could you give the song in my thread a listen, and see if there is any feedback you have on the mix? Haven't generated much response yet, and I'm still trying to get my mixes that much better.

All the best mate
Okay, here's a newer version of the second song. I did a lot of crap to it and probably overdid it. I did a kenny goia thing with multing the overheads and hipassing them to like 3k or something stupid. Then I boosted the highs to pretty much just get a bunch of cymbal. Then I blended that in.

I took the vocals and threw on a pultec pro (uad-1) and gave some db of 4k with a wide q.

Let me know if that is better or worse. :D
