A band I recorded over the weekend.

Love the snare, it's got a lot of crack to it, and the kicks are full (though perhaps just a tad too clicky). Also, the vox sound pretty meaty.

But sweet jesus, I would turn the guitars way up in a hot second
i really like the way this sounds, but i agree that if the snare had more power and the guitars were a little louder it would be pretty awesome
Still louder guitars? What is missing in power from the snare?

The problems with the guitars is that the further I pull them up, the less kick is coming through. So if I hi pass the guitars higher for the kick the guitars sound thinner... OH THE MINDLESS CIRCLE WE RUN IN!

Also if anybody can comment on the bass guitar...

Thanks for all of the comments. This is a tremendous help to me. :D

I agree with the rest of the comments regarding the Snare. Needs to be more up front. Maybe throw in more of a Sample if you cant get that room sound out of it.

The vocals also sound to clear for the growls. Very articulate, but makes him sound vulnerable and would probably sound better with some of the high frequencys brought down and maybe a bit of distortion. Just my crappy opinion.

Also, it sounds like around 1:04 the vocals end and then at 1:05 to 1:06 you hear talking in the back ground. At least in headphones it appears that way.

But with a few tweaks I think it will sound really good.

Nice job.
Thanks for the response. You're commenting on the first song I think. I put the new song up in the first post so people will see it and listen. :)

That vocal part I think the singer is just mumbling something, not background talking. Haha. I'll have to fix it or cut it. We'll see.