A band you lot may like a lot


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
Nihil from Bordeaux - France

I've already ranted about them but it doesn't matter.
They started as a gloomy heavy rock band ala Tool with a touch of nu-metal... DON'T STOP READING FFS ! They've released three albums, the
second one being a top melancholic heavy rock act and the last one a MASTERPIECE of soft ambiant pop stuff.

Here are the details :

1st album : "1 A.M" (2000) - gloomy heavy rock metal with soft ethereal moments -

extract : http://drifting.breed.free.fr/nihil/Nihil -01- Deus Pendulum.mp3

2nd album : "(in)visible" (2002) - melancholic pop/rock stuff with heavy bits -

extract : http://drifting.breed.free.fr/nihil/Nihil - Invisible - 06 - ...Equilibrium.mp3

3rd album : "Pandora's Box" (2004) - absolutely soft and ambient pop music -

extract : http://drifting.breed.free.fr/nihil/01- Disfigured.mp3

Give'em a chance if you like the samples. If you're not 100% convinced, download the albums on Emule and then Buy'em !

Bandsite : http://www.nihilband.com (sorry ... no English version yet :( )
oh, i have heard some stuff of em, dunno wasn't it Dries who recommended them some time ago on the 'other' Forum? Anyway i'll dl them and then tell yer what i think.
hehe, why do i remember such a thread.. yeah people... check it out...

i looked for there cd's just last week, but couldn't find them..
but what are they doing right now? cause they didn't play a gig in a long time..
24 hours left before I erase the files. Try it.
Oh and @ Marginalé they're playing quite a bunch of gigs in France. Try to order their CDs on the FNAC site.
Maqus said:
I like the "melancholic pop/rock stuff with heavy bits" best.

Cool, if you have a P2P program, give a chance to all of the 3 albums and if you end up wanting to buy one or many od the albums, ask me directly ;)