A blissful slumber!


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2003
melbourne australia
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Last night I had a dream....Anathema playing in australia and it was so real! Everytime they played a song the audience would float up to the sky and start to fly! Then theyd float back down again as the music stopped. It was so loverlie. *sigh*
So I went straight to the computie this mourn only to find no trace of anathema ever having played in australia.
Can anyone recall them ever having done so?
as soon as you signed up, Danny's gone off to Hungary.. as you do.. heh, so you'll have to wait a few weeks before you can ask him if anathema would go to Oz :)
i dont think they ever been there, they went once to the states (milwaukee fest) but that was it i guess (outside europe) I may be wrong of course....
cedarbreed said:
They may have played South America I believe ...
Danny ? Dunc ?
aye boss. Brazil in 94 I think.
I had a dream that I stole a car but had hold of a baby in one hand so it was dead hard to change gears. Ended up in a hotel reception trying to cut the skin off a cooked rabbit then the baby started calling me a wanker and kept banging its head on the table. Strange dream..
a few nights ago I dreamt that I was in a tree and I saw a coach with RANGERS on in big letters. I climbed down from the tree and realised that I was only wearing a towel (green tartan). I panicked and jumped into a taxi and all the Rangers fans wanted to kill me so the taxi driver took me to a shop, passed me a bottle and said 'keep drinking the lemonade and they cant touch you'. I ended up on a bus and this naked woman came over to me but I couldnt see her face. Then Alan from Primordial woke me up, shouting 'eh boss' in a scouse accent. Bah :(
amber_lee_melbourne said:
Last night I had a dream....Anathema playing in australia and it was so real! Everytime they played a song the audience would float up to the sky and start to fly! Then theyd float back down again as the music stopped. It was so loverlie. *sigh*
So I went straight to the computie this mourn only to find no trace of anathema ever having played in australia.
Can anyone recall them ever having done so?

hahahah what have you been smoking???
cedarbreed said:
I don't dream. Dreaming is for puffs. True doomsters make nightmares and inner-weep in the boneyard :(

i had a nightmare of a dragon spitting fire chasing me around my old school...after a few rounds the building i trickled on a stone and fell.*MAN*
i had that dream about the doompornmovie.
but now those trees are doing the lads of anathema while dunc was doing the crying wolf. scary.
I dont know if any of you believe in meaning behind dreams. I reckon theres prolly some truth to it some o the time.

@strangelight; your first dream is obviously about responsibility thwarting your attempts at being a pure hellcat. Your second dream? Fraggin'-erk! thats way too bizarro even for me.

@Don Corleone; I didnt have a smoke before bed however I did ingest one anti-nausea tablet and who knows what the frak they put in these things- I'm not conplaining tho if it means I get to fly a little while!

@cedarbreed; so did the dragon eat you or not?

Get onto this right. Last night I dreamt that I saw my old cat and sat with my arm around him (he was bigger like) and we talked for a while about what Ive been doin. Then I went to The Windings and two alsatians attacked me and I was trapped with my hands behind me head with both hands in the dogs mouth. This feller came out with a knife and made the sound of stabbing a dog with his mouth. I told him not to stab the dog cos I didnt like the noise, and the dog wasnt really hurting me. I slowly pulled me hands from the dogs mouth and he said 'I am be-hemisphered'.