A CD to crank until the new CoB one comes out

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
How about the other Children of Bodom CDs? Or doesn't that work?

Excellent point :D i listened to FtR 4 1/2 times a few nights ago, but as in new material to be happy about and explore, go with DT
Dark Tranquillity's new one is the best record released thus far this year, but there a number of high profile (for me at least) albums I still haven't heard yet.

'Damage Done' IS fucking superb tho' - :headbang:
If in Australia an excellent album is Dungeon's newy A Rise To Power - Probably on eof the best power metal albums in years from either Australia and abroad


Blind Guardians "A Night at the Opera" and Sentenced's "The Cold White Light" are both absolute masterpieces.
Downfall-My Last Prayer and Iron Maiden- Rock In Rio... both are very good... im not sure can you find that downfall outside finland.?..?!:)