a crushing defeat for the pirates

What does yahoo news know.

Its obvious these fools arn't real pirates, they just wanted ot look big, but now the US Navyis going to throw them in a pit with real pirates so they can get their asses stomped.
The Bringer said:
No they are probably there too. I heard American's don't need oxygen to live.


sort of true.

the south needs a great amount of oxygen to live, and they hoard it in much the same way they hoard everything else in this fucking country. theyre the leading cause of global warming ya know. They can also be blamed for world hunger, the AIDS epidemic, and the holocaust. Hurricane Katrina wasnt their fault however, that was just karma.
they were just being smart, all good pirates know you don't want the US Navy up your ass, cause once you get them up your ass they won't cum out till you cum with them...