A crushing new original for you to check out, Opinions?


May 20, 2004
Virginia USA
I just finished up a new song here at home and would love some opinions. I'm pretty damn happy with how it turned out. It's pretty thrashy with a huge doom section in the middle. No words, no samples, no leads, just an instrumental at the moment.

http://home.earthlink.net/~whitemtn/index2.html (click here and then go to the MP3 section. My provider won't allow drect linking).

Let me know what you guys think. :rock:
Since you made such a nice post about my latest song, I figured I should return the favor! VERY cool track. I really dig your guitar sound most of all! Very heavy, but amazingly clean. Nice. The best part of the song is the doomy part for sure... but maybe that's just me :) I like your bass sound as well. It sounds awesome through my subwoofer.

And hey, I like your web site, too. Are all those guitars in the picture above the side menu yours? :) Your site says "White Mountain Studios"... so are you an actual studio... like, you produce and record stuff for people, or is it just your own stuff? All those CD covers are awesome, too!! I may have to enlist your services one of these days... assuming I ever get off my ass and actually start getting some serious music done :)

Thanks man! The riff after the doomy one is actually the same riff, just doubled in time. I actually wanted it to be more of a Biohazard type breakdown but it didn't quite come out like that but I still love it.

No, the studio is just a name. I'm a graphic designer and I occasionally do some freelance work and the name has a long story behind it (I'll spare you). I'm actually recording a session for a friend in a few weeks and that wil be my first time recording somethng other than myself. Should be fun!

If you ever want me to come up with some artwork for your CD, let me know, I'd love to help out. Hell, I'd do it for free since CD covers are a nice break from the daily design I do at work.