A Day To Remember Cover

i like it mate. sounds pretty spot on to be fair. although the intro guitar is abit sloppy and too loud, but other than that, awesome
i think you nailed their old school tone. pretty sick. pretty darn close to the original i might add
sounds weird to me.

- narrow stereo image
- brittle cymbals/room/verb (or whatever)
- guitars have a squeaky amp sim quality that pushes them too far up in the mix (for my taste)
- not as good as the original (imo)... covers are meant to be "better" or a much different perspective (also my opinion)
- the overall mix is almost completely washed out by compression (or limiting)... no real clarity

i think it's cool that you are trying to get better at mixing by using other platforms to build skill but my biggest complaint is that you could have just as easily wrote a song of your own that may (or may not) inspire creativity.


if you are mixing a wip, then it would benefit you to pull together a balanced mix before adding every compressor/eq in the book.
in terms of volume, this mix is all over the place (which is what i mean by "balance").

you can lay out your ideas (track everything), edit the performance based on the arrangement and finally mix to a balanced level so that everything is clear and audible in the initial session.

then you can make subtle changes in the mix in terms of processing, ie. dynamics, additive/subtractive eq and other mixing techniques without changing the significant level of every part in the mix.

finally you can make a work in progress (wip) bounce that has a substantial mastering chain that will translate the mix as best as possible.

everything i have suggested is common mixing practice. not everyone does it the same however this particular method has proven to be affective in an effort to turn out a mix that is clear, simple and not sloppy.

*my ¢263
I appreciate everything guys! I've been producing a lot of music around where I live, cause as sad as it is to say it, I'm one of the best at it around here for little bands. The main reason I did this cover was to see how close I could get to the original mix from scratch. The guitar's a little sloppy yeah. I tend to have issues tracking my guitars tightly (especially if I dual or quad track, sounds muddy).