A door that leads to nothing.

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I received this email from a co-worker.

The other day while sitting in the line of traffic at the intersection of Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain, my husband noticed a nice wood door with cast iron fixtures that was built into the side of the mountain. At first I thought he wasn't seeing it correctly and it was probably just a gate...but he was right. It's built into the side of the mountain.

It's been bugging me for days now and I finally Googled the address on the street...and this is what's behind that door...


Inchy weren't you in the market for a home? :goggly:
damn, that looks pretty sweet.

$2.275 million? hang on, i gotta... run to the cash machine...
I'd love to have one of those bunker homes. I'd just live outside or if I really wanted a window. then I'd rent a jackhammer, sledgehammer and then dig out of the dirt jump tools and get some buddies over. We'd make our own.
think of it this way. if you're really fucked up you could do all sorts of scary things in there. and nobody would know. Or here. You could have like... a room hidden behind blast doors that nobody can get through but you....

I want my own silo now.
FUCK YEAH! It's located in NY State's Adirondak State Park.

on the surface: a quiet forest home.

hahaha that's fucking awesome!

i just unsuccessfully hit on a new girl at work, but hey at least she smiled!
oh no, i said something that wasn't even funny and was completely stupid. whoops. but she did give me a smile like she enjoyed making brief conversation! oh and i made her laugh the other day, so that's a good sign for further perusal.

i got a room full of chicks laughing last week, i smiled as i walked into the kitchen to see 4 laydeez all laughing and talking brightly. so i stooped over at the water fountain (i'm tall, it's short) and someone else walked in, saying "...ADRIAN!" and the room got quiet.

me: "hi denise!"
denise: "i didn't recognize you! why didn't i recognize you?"
me: "i dunno, did i change heads today?"
all: much laughter

ever since then the two that sorta ignored me previously have smiled and/or said hello when meeting in the hallways. :rock: