a dramatic turn for the worse


Feb 4, 2002
This is not a country song but the events of my life within the last thirty days. For the last month and a half my girl has stopped sleeping with me. She claims to "need her space". My pet turtle died, I can't make it to Chicago for the live recording, and as of tomorrow I am unemployed / laid off cause I wont commute two hours each each way to the new office. And now like a fuckin train wreck waiting to happen. Here comes Christmas.
This might depress a few folks but not good ol Prime. I plan to hold my head up high, jerk off alot, take good care of my surviving pets, buy caught in a box, and enjoy my unemployment check. As far a Christmas goes, well thats another story. IF I SEE THAT FAT FUCK IN THE RED SUIT. I will personally shoot him and his fuckin reindeer outa the sky. Venison jerky anyone?
One time my brother gave me a hand pump that was supposed to like a blow job. Fun but sometimes you gotta do your own handy work.
Keep on keepin' on dude. It will all pass. I get down too. Then I listen to Slayer and a little Van Hagar, and drink Blue Moon and Makers Mark, and drive fast blah, blah, blah. I'm back to normal now. Actually drinking water and diet pepsi and working out like a mad man. It's all a roller coaster man. Don't ever say die.
If you want to win your girl back, do this. Save up a little cash, reserve a bed and breakfast somewhere. Light up a fire, drink some champagne. Just romance her. It works. For the both of you. I'm not trying to sound like Dr. Phil or any shit but sometimes girls just want to be swept off their feet.