A few Powerfest live photos


And your little dog, too!
Jul 21, 2002
New York City
Slowly but surely I'll be editing these over the course of the week, so stay tuned for more. :)




I don't usually pay much attention to band photos... but that one of Bruce is awesome... you have to be proud to stick your name on a shot like that. :headbang:
OH DAAAAAAAAAMN!!! That is SOOO not fair! None of my pictures EVER turn out as good as this! Now I hate you and stuff like that!!



*seethes with jealousy*

Totally cool, Christina. You do a helluva job capturing the most metal moments of a live act. I'd never be able to do that wonderful of a job!
Bryan316 said:
Totally cool, Christina. You do a helluva job capturing the most metal moments of a live act. I'd never be able to do that wonderful of a job!

Thank you. :headbang: I just got some new flash equipment - I didn't use it at Powerfest because I was still working out the kinks and I can't do that kind of stuff on the fly, but I just shot King's X/Mardo/ZO2 last night and so far the pics look pretty good.

Now I just have to figure out a way to get paid for this. :lol: I love my job as a massage therapist/personal trainer, but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat to become a jet-setting rock and roll photographer. Or Mrs. Viggo Mortensen. Heehee.


sh0kr0k said:
Oh yes, he was undeniable eye-candy

And then Morgana Lefay right after...

I'm going to hell. :saint:

Now I am not exactly the best judge on what makes a guy good looking or not, but most of the Lefay dudes are quite creepy lookin! :ill:
Jasonic said:
Is he the singer? He looked like a mix of Blaze Bailey and a young Bruce Dickinson (Number of the Beast era)

Yep, definately the singer. Last year's set was incredible too and I'm positive I'm not the only one in the room that needed to repent afterwards. :worship:

Blaze & Bruce? Hmm.. add in a pinch of "god" and a whole cup of "Swedish metal hunk" and YES, we've got a winning formula!
Jasonic said:
Is he the singer? He looked like a mix of Blaze Bailey and a young Bruce Dickinson (Number of the Beast era)

I thought Charles (vocalist) looked like Darth Sidious, and I have the pics to prove it. If Charles had a hood on, you'd swear it was DS. Even without the hood, Charles looked more like Lucifer that night that anyone else I've ever seen. Hopefully I can get the pics posted this weekend. There are just so many to go through...damn day job!!!
Jasonic said:
Is he the singer? He looked like a mix of Blaze Bailey and a young Bruce Dickinson (Number of the Beast era)

Also, I thought the Agent Steel vocalist looked like a young Glenn Campbell and sounded like a young Geoff Tate!!! :loco:

While I am it, I also though Chris Lotesto from Ion Vein looked like a cross between Russell Allen and Steve Harris. Not a bad combo!
The Fiddler said:
Also, I thought the Agent Steel vocalist looked like a young Glenn Campbell and sounded like a young Geoff Tate!!! :loco:

While I am it, I also though Chris Lotesto from Ion Vein looked like a cross between Russell Allen and Steve Harris. Not a bad combo!

I'll agree there!! Good comparisions!!

I'll be anxiously awaiting your collection of devilish Charles pics! :heh: :heh: