A few rebellious updates.....

I guess it wouldn't be very metal without having a little controversy would it? :grin:

There is actually an interesting story to that song, one that I can tell you has nothing to do with 9-11, as most would like to think.

I figured this question was going to come up latter than sooner, and that's a good thing! I have been wanting to talk about this creation..... so heres the scoop Demon....

In essence, it's about people in general who are SO opinionated in their beliefs, wheather it be about Religion, Politics even enviromentalism, that they are willing to literally KILL over it.

The thing that is frightening about that is they generally think that it's justifiable!!!! As if they are a some kind of hero!?

That blowing up an planned parenthood clininc's office with women, children and innoccent employees is being done in the name of peace (their peace of mind anyway) or even god? That's lunacy... in fact thats just downright genocide!

hell, we even had a bunch of loony toon PETA actavists here in Utah Blow up a mink farm (with the mink were still inside!) a year or two ago becasue they would rather have them not "suffer".... :rolleyes: what a bunch of jackasses.....

...so....the title itself, basicly portrays a very sarcastic tone; that when these "people" go out and have "peaceful" protests on their "beliefs" and end up destroying property or even lives...it's no longer protesting...it's pure evil intent.... it's terrorism.

Hopefully that was a good explination :)

if you want MY opinion...Im more terrified of PETA/Enviro actavists than I am AL Quida... because there everywhere, even in our back yard and personally.... their WAAAYYYY more unpredictable.

Originally posted by rhavin2112
and those damn Mormons as well. God (pun intended) knows what they will do next. One of them rang my doorbell!! RANG MY DOORBELL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OH!! The humanity!! :lol: :lol: