a few "songs" i made..


Oct 6, 2004
This one I tried to have a lead track on top of the regular track.. first time doing it, so it kinda sucks, but I like a few parts of it, where the lead and rythem fit together nicely, like at 3:37
Them the same song without it, I want to put a better lead track on there someday
then an old song
And a recent song similar to that one, kind of an extension of it, too bad my guitar was out of tune
I hate my guitar, the bronze warlock, cant believe I bought the pos, the neck is to skinny, so I cramp up easy, and the pickups or something don't like dropped tuning, amp is a marshall 30dfx, some tracks use the metalzone.. another mistake, and some just use onboard crap, now since i broke that(one of the battery wires came unsoldered) I use a DS1, and when drop tuning, ill run that through my amp distortion..
Oh and no flames please, somethings sound good when your playing, then sound crappy when you play them back. and I need some new picks.
I'd never give an unwarrented flame... in this case I'll flame myself at the same time.

It sounds like the same kind of quality playing that I do... bad.

Heard a couple decent riffs occasionally in there. Lead track really detracts from the sound as a whole. (Like you didn't already know that.)
Your guitar is most certainly out of tune. You also have a few rhythm issues, and the transition at the beginning didn't really work. But, I did hear some promising riffs in there. Try reorganizing the riffs.
Ya the lead track was my first time doing that, these songs are all atleast 6 months old.. even the ones I said were recent.
:OMG: Might be a decent song but like has already said wayyy outta tune (first song). Is the intonation really that bad on your guitar or did you just not tune it? Also about the rhythm problems a metronome would be very useful.
And I apologize if that sounded like a flaming, don't wanna be a jerk, just trying to give some advice.
The intonation is bad.. like my G string will be in tune when I tune via 5th fret, then ill play a major or minor chord, and ill have to fuck with it.
Is that a neck problem or what?
Oh and im fucking with acid atm, using that hybrid something and playing along with that.
What's good software that has syn drums and shit?
in acid I see you are able to add syn busses, but you choose the bus I dont know how to compose music with it, I downloaded Cubase SX recording quality seems better than acid, but again no idea how to use drum tracks or whatever.