A fine WoY description from our friend Carl Begai (BW&BK)...

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
With so many hastily written, half-hearted, poorly researched and usually therefore inaccurate band bios and descriptions online...I get a THRILL to see something written about WOODS OF YPRES that I can actually relate to.

The band that defines the term cult favourite. Unsigned, three albums to call their own, and the first band in history to sell their music for Canadian Tire money (!) as a bit of genius promo, Woods Of Ypres dish out atmospheric doom-laden Great White North-flavoured black metal. If ever there was a labour of love I figure Woods is the perfect example, as frontman David Gold has endured more than a few head-wrecking experiences along the way in creating this monster. He’s also responsible for penning a very cool cautionary tale entitled ‘Your Ontario Town Is A Burial Ground’. Heavy and intense metal mindfood not meant for the faint of heart or the soft in the head.

From Carl's website: http://carlbegai.com/the-artists/

Reading things like this have the power to instantly cure my hangovers! :heh:

Thanks Carl! I need that one!

David - \w/
I love, love, love...


MTV Black Metal

You can call WoY 'MTV BLACK METAL' all day, and I can laugh for too many reasons... WoY is a self financed indie band! That's the farthest you can be from what 'MTV' is supposed to mean. Now, if WoY was actually on MTV...then what would he call us?

The point that I try to deliver is that these types of negative rants from frustrated internet journalists are irrelevant, to us! So it's never a matter of "Ouch!", as if I would be hurt from reading that. That's his objective isn't it? I easily take that power away from them. Total fucking douchebags from around the world HATE WOODS OF YPRES and that's how I like it. Those who connect with WoY are, understandably, the same type of people I'd like to get together with to drink beers and discuss music. It's a good situation. Better than good people disregarding the band and having a legion of embarrassing douchebag fans. Hearing from the people who enjoy the music is all that matters to me and I've been lucky enough to get to a point where I hear that on a daily basis and it makes my day, everyday!

I hope this guy takes the time to review the next album too, though I'm sure he's already decided how he'll score it before having heard it. I'm willing to bet he was already pissed off before he even heard of me, but I won't let it affect me if my existence somehow twists the knife into the guts of his, as sad as that is.

DG - \w/
^ DG, its not even worth talking about. Its not like you've gone and "sold out" or something ridiculous. Some people (morons) just go OH THIS ISNT TRUE BLACK METAL. No, its not, and its better for it. But of course since it has melody and lyrics about real things (God forbid) its fake, sell out, crap, to them. Somehow. People like that need to learn how to write about music, honestly.
Make me think about that Circle Jerks song....

4 years college
you've got knowledge
a bachelor degree
you read and write
you think it's right
but don't come down on me
you're an educated jerk
write about us
i could squeeze you
like a pimple
but i don't need the pus
defamation innuendo
defamation innuendo
communication to third person
it's defamation
my reputation
well,i got the record
i haven't heard it yet
i went to the concert
i wanted to get in on the guest list
but they wouldn't let me in
defamation innuendo...
i didn't get a chance to see the band
hell,i never heard'em
and now i've gotta write about'em
god,the story is due,
the story's due tomorrow
what should i write?
well,they're no good !
^ DG, its not even worth talking about. Its not like you've gone and "sold out" or something ridiculous. Some people (morons) just go OH THIS ISNT TRUE BLACK METAL. No, its not, and its better for it. But of course since it has melody and lyrics about real things (God forbid) its fake, sell out, crap, to them. Somehow. People like that need to learn how to write about music, honestly.

well put. if this James prefers endless repetitions of the two songs he seems to approve of: "I HATE CHRISTIANITY" and "SATAN IS MY VALENTINE" to music with some thought in it, that will just mean one less dwarf Blanqist on this forum