With so many hastily written, half-hearted, poorly researched and usually therefore inaccurate band bios and descriptions online...I get a THRILL to see something written about WOODS OF YPRES that I can actually relate to.
From Carl's website: http://carlbegai.com/the-artists/
Reading things like this have the power to instantly cure my hangovers!
Thanks Carl! I need that one!
David - \w/
The band that defines the term cult favourite. Unsigned, three albums to call their own, and the first band in history to sell their music for Canadian Tire money (!) as a bit of genius promo, Woods Of Ypres dish out atmospheric doom-laden Great White North-flavoured black metal. If ever there was a labour of love I figure Woods is the perfect example, as frontman David Gold has endured more than a few head-wrecking experiences along the way in creating this monster. Hes also responsible for penning a very cool cautionary tale entitled Your Ontario Town Is A Burial Ground. Heavy and intense metal mindfood not meant for the faint of heart or the soft in the head.
From Carl's website: http://carlbegai.com/the-artists/
Reading things like this have the power to instantly cure my hangovers!

Thanks Carl! I need that one!
David - \w/