A Four Perspective Review of Deliverance....

the Arcturus "Sham Mirrors" review is one of the worst reviews I've ever read. Congrats to whoever wrote that. On the other hand your 'Deliverance" review was quite good and I'll probably find myself having the same feelings after I hear itt.
No worries, the dude took some serious flack all over the internet for that review and I am assuming he learned from the whole experience. He was new to the staff at the time and had just gotten his feet wet. Either way I kindly ask that you don't judge the whole site solely on one review. We have a solid base of reviews and interviews all worth checking out.
Holy shit! Master's Apprentice is absolutely brutally heavily, yet Opeth makes it sound so beautiful!:eek: I can only imagine what the rest of the album sounds like.
this is Ravenous, reviewer @ Metal Review
as Diabolic mentioned I was a very young member of the team when I did the review. I've learned a lot since then, and I kind of wish the review would just go away since it keeps coming back to haunt me :( Anyways I ask that you not judge me (or the site for that matter) soley on that review and see what we truley have to offer. thnx for your time and stay metal!

What's wrong with The Sham Mirrors? I think its great from what I've heard :confused:

I know have people have different opinions, but... vomit in disgust? C'mon now.