A Funny before all hell breaks loose


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
Taliban TV Guide:

0800 - My 33 Sons
0830 - Osama Knows Best
0900 - I Dream of Mohammed
0930 - Let's Mecca Deal
1000 - The Kabul Hillbillies

0800 - Husseinfeld
900 - Mad About Everything
930 - Monday Night Stoning
1000 - Win Bin Laden's Money
1030 - Allah McBeal

0800 - Wheel of poverty
0830 - The Price is Right if Osama Says it's Right
0900 - Children are Forbidden from Saying the Darndest Things
0930 -Taliban's Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers
1000 - Buffy the yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer

0800 - Beat the Press
0830 - When Kurds Attack
0900 - Two Guys, a Girl, and Pita Bread
0930 - Just Shoot Everyone
1000 - Veilwatch

0800 - Fatima Loves Chachi
0830 - M*U*S*T*A*S*H
0900 - Veronica's Closet Full of Long, Black, Shapeless Dresses and Veils
0930 - Married with 139 Children
1000 - Eye for an Eye Witness News

0800 - Judge Saddam
0830 - Suddenly Sanctions
0900 - Who Wants to Marry a Terrorist Millionaire?
0930 - Cave and Garden Television
1000 - No-Witness News

0800 - Spongebob Squareturban
0830 - Who's Koran Is It Anyway?
0900 - Teletalibans
0930 - Camel 54, Where Are You?


Ok......I agree we should kick some butt,however
innocent peoples are going to buy the farm after
years of abuse they endured from this jacka##
and I believe many of our troops are going to die to.
That really sucks. We really should have taken care of business years ago. First Hussain gases the Kurds
then we go in and liberate Kuwait, which was our
mandate. He continues to oppress the people of
his country,goes in and takes out some more Kurds
and the Shiite Muslems of the South who opposed him in 1996, and continues to produce weapons of mass destruction. Slick Willie and the U.S.military sends a few missiles down on him and it doesn't mean a thing. His country funnels money to terrorist organizations (there needs to be concrete proof of course....whatever) who were directly behind the bombing of U.S.embassies in Tanzania and Narobi killing our solidiers and the bombing of the USS Cole. Then of course the attacks in New York
which some believe he backed in some way. I think he did. Hussain has not even a shred of humanity
in him. Man.... how sane is a guy who is in the process of rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon?? This dude has to go!!! So do all the other losers that hate Americans. Especially the ones who live in our country!!!! GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!
There I have spewed my venom.
Sorry if I was being overly sensitive. Not!!!!!
Bush handled the press conference all wrong the other day. What he should have done is walked up to the podium carrying a boom box, set it on the podium and said, "Hey Saddam! Remember this noise?" and then played a CD of bombs being dropped and machine guns. :heh:

BraveNewWorld said:
Ok......I agree we should kick some butt,however
innocent peoples are going to buy the farm after
years of abuse they endured from this jacka##
and I believe many of our troops are going to die to...We really should have taken care of business years ago.
Yeah, we should have, but we had deals made to buy oil and Hussein was in our pocket then. (He was being funded by us to fight Iran.) Remember, any time there is a war, do some research on the nation that is about to be invaded and find out what their natural resources are. You'll find out right there why it is nations go to war. Those nations with the technological and military superiority shall always reign against the weaker nations. It is this way in nature, it has always been this way.

Our troops dying? I don't think so. General Patton once said, "This country never won a war by some poor bastard dying for his country. This country won it's wars by making some other poor bastard die for HIS country!"

We're going to be spending so long dropping bombs before sending in ground troops that the casualties will be minimal. Remember your history. It was the same thing we did 12 years ago. Rumor is coming out that the Elite Republican Guard may end up just lowering the guns on their tanks when the US troops do show up. (I agree with Bill Hicks who said that the Republicans of this country were making it up that Iraq even had an Elite Guard in the first place! :D )

Let the bombing commence!
I am hoping that this idiot does not use chemical weapons to kill our guys. That is what I was thinking in relation to our loses. Chemical warfare is some truly evil s#*#!! Yes we will prevail with an airstrike just as before,
and the Iraqi army will surrender. The hardliners will be taken out as well.
And Jacka** will be done away with one way or another. I suppose the our next contestant will be.for the sake of global peace,North Korea. Step right down! Why don't we just hit them both right now and really have a party!!
Well, if Saddam does use chemical weapons, it will only prove to the procrastinators that Bush was correct and that Saddam IS hiding chemical weapons after all. (duh) Maybe then the rest of the UN will suddenly change their tune about backing us on this mission. It scares the hell out of me. Then there is the issue of North Korea. *Sigh
I was just digging through my vinyl collection and gave a listen to one of my favorites. It really hit home for me and I thought I'd pass it on:

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we persue a different aim
Let the Truth of Love be lighted
Let the Love of Truth shine clear
Armed with Sense and Liberty
With the Heart and Mind united
In a single perfect sphere.
Neil Peart
Rush Hemispheres 1978
Sorry this is not Iron Maidens related.
I don't want to bring anyone down, and totally support the U.S. My cousin's husband is in Bahrain after being called up from the reserves, and I pray for a quick resolution with minimal casualties on all sides. May God bless us all.

If you want to see what metalheads from other countries thought about the war, I found some interesting and troubling discussion on the 'We are at War' thread on the UltimateMetal Opeth Chat/Off Topic messageboard. Here is one example from a post claiming to be from Norway:

I bet most of the forumists find this post unbeliveable stupid. Americans should have a taste of that, and think about the fact that this is how the majority of Europe think of the guy you`ve voted for to lead your country
And another from someone claiming to be from Turkey:
I sincerely hope that the USA loses this war . People really can't see that America is bigger threat than Iraq . They say that Saddam has weapons of mass distraction . So fucking what ? I'm sure the States have a 100 times more mass destrurction capability . And the president is a total , total idiot who doesn't even know whether Spain is a kingdom or republic .
Here's something from the thread 'So the war started' on the same messageboard:

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