A good band for you guys....

it happened this :

UPDATED - Changes To AVATARS - PLEASE READ! by Mark (July 16th, 2002 until August 16th, 2002)
Hi all,

In an effort to battle high bandwidth (as always!), we will soon be implementing a system where avatars will need to be hosted on external webspace. This way, each avatar for our thousands of users won't be pulled from our servers, meaning lower bandwidth, and (hopefully) faster forums for you all as well.

This will be implemented at the end of next week (July 26), to allow everyone time to have their avatar image online.

Please also note that avatars will need to be 100 * 100 pixels in size at this point in time. We hope to allow for multiple sizes at a point in the future, but as this is just the first faze in new changes for UM things will (hopefully) only get better
UPDATE - July 23
We have disabled AVATARS and FORUM JUMP for now while we prepare for the changeover. Please note we will also be installing more memory on the server soon, so it should be somewhat faster as well.

Apologies to those who are inconvenienced by this, but hopefully it will be of benefit to us all in the long run.
