A Grim And Sorrowful B-Movie Excerpt!

I watched it, I have to say it was a little drawn out. There was no backstory, just said that his wife and kid were taken away. I hate to say it but I was really expecting him to kill himself or do something other than look upset and walk around... Just my opinion of course, I'm sure the artsy folk would like this a lot more than me.
On my side, I think the story turns around and there's no story BUT it's very artistic and dark just the way I like it. We really feel the sadness of the character. It's very introspective, it reminds me something inside ourselves.

When you made that movie, you made choices to get to the final version, I respect your artistic choices. But on a viewer side, I need a lot more to be satisfied. The harder thing is to keep the interest of the viewer. And to reach it, you need a good story, good visual and of course good camera views. You're almost there man.

Are you student? or made it by yourself?
Thank you for the kind words!

I did make this one on my own, but I've been making silly movies since I was in my teens. And I'm kind of a scenery nut, as you can tell. Lots of that.

I would like to put this on a free download site for anyone that wants to see the full version. I don't know if anyone wants to, though... :lol:

Or mabye on Google Video...I know they stream full movies...
I watched it. It has a creepy feel to it, no doubt, but I guess I just kept waiting for something to actually happen. You could feel his hopelessness, so kudos there. It lost me after a little while though.