A little food for thought...


A Member To Remember
...crossposted from the PM board.

[I hope I won't be accused of plagiarizing myself!]

As a person intimately involved in the operations side of this festival, I really wish more people could see things from our perspective. Here are my observations.

#1 - You Can't Please Everyone - It wouldn't matter if you booked Jesus And The Twelve Disciples to play, someone would gripe about it. Call it human nature. Call it whatever you will. I just wish people would reflect a little before they react negatively. Year over year, it is absolutely impossible to book a lineup that will please all of the fans of this music. The music is too diverse and people's tastes are simply too broad. As Old Abe is reputed to have said: "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." It's impossible.

#2 - You Don't Know The Whole Story - I would really like for people to stop and consider the overwhelming complexity of the logistics involved here. This is a multi-day/multi-band/multi-sponsor/multi-vendor event. So the planning and detail that goes into it's execution is astronomically greater than any one night only touring bill event could EVER be. There are at least a dozen different management/booking agencies to deal with and multiple contracts to be signed. Not to mention all of the other "detail work" from swag to food to transportation to vendors to advertising to gear rental to accomodation and on and on and on. Add to this mix the various bands who commit to a date and then back out, even AFTER a contract has been signed. Sometimes even at the last minute. Yep. I happens every single time. Some band that grees to the contract terms and makes a commitment backs out. And that leaves Glenn holding the bag and burning up the phone lines calling in markers and contacting his faithful "backups" to fill a slot. In the four years that I have worked the festival, the lineup Glenn planned has NEVER ONCE been the lineup that you end up seeing. It's disappointing. It's frustrating. It's a pain on SO many levels. But you'll never see/hear him complain about it. It just goes with the territory. It's all part of bringing together what is, in essence, a logistical nightmare.

I truly hope more people can understand the complexities of the situation and cut Glenn (and his boyz) some slack.
You guys do an awesome job> MY whole life has changed since I discovered this festival with PP2. It is my number 1 thing ouside of my family that I look forward to EVERY SINGLE YEAR !



MeTuLHeD said:
...crossposted from the PM board.

[I hope I won't be accused of plagiarizing myself!]

As a person intimately involved in the operations side of this festival, I really wish more people could see things from our perspective. Here are my observations.

#1 - You Can't Please Everyone - It wouldn't matter if you booked Jesus And The Twelve Disciples to play, someone would gripe about it. Call it human nature. Call it whatever you will. I just wish people would reflect a little before they react negatively. Year over year, it is absolutely impossible to book a lineup that will please all of the fans of this music. The music is too diverse and people's tastes are simply too broad. As Old Abe is reputed to have said: "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." It's impossible.

#2 - You Don't Know The Whole Story - I would really like for people to stop and consider the overwhelming complexity of the logistics involved here. This is a multi-day/multi-band/multi-sponsor/multi-vendor event. So the planning and detail that goes into it's execution is astronomically greater than any one night only touring bill event could EVER be. There are at least a dozen different management/booking agencies to deal with and multiple contracts to be signed. Not to mention all of the other "detail work" from swag to food to transportation to vendors to advertising to gear rental to accomodation and on and on and on. Add to this mix the various bands who commit to a date and then back out, even AFTER a contract has been signed. Sometimes even at the last minute. Yep. I happens every single time. Some band that grees to the contract terms and makes a commitment backs out. And that leaves Glenn holding the bag and burning up the phone lines calling in markers and contacting his faithful "backups" to fill a slot. In the four years that I have worked the festival, the lineup Glenn planned has NEVER ONCE been the lineup that you end up seeing. It's disappointing. It's frustrating. It's a pain on SO many levels. But you'll never see/hear him complain about it. It just goes with the territory. It's all part of bringing together what is, in essence, a logistical nightmare.

I truly hope more people can understand the complexities of the situation and cut Glenn (and his boyz) some slack.
i really cannot understand why it is such a big deal if a few people react negatively. of course you can't please everyone! of course some people will react negatively! expect that and move on, don't sweat it every time someone has a negative reaction, uness you really think people should either give compliments or never speak.
I hope there is some monetary penalty for bands dropping out AFTER they sign a contract. All that work and time to get them on the bill costs money and has to be recovered - not to mention all the extra time and work and stress to find a replacement. In the end, it is the band's loss. The one-on-one, personal, extended interaction between fans and musicians at this event is a way for bands to build to a very loyal fan base - much more so than just an autograph by the bus after the show.
The way I see it is....... take a valium.

Glenn is not my buddy. I am a customer of his. Don't get me wrong, as from what I have read in his posts, I like the guy. He is strong, opinionated and inteligent. He also is THE ONLY promoter who is getting some of these high quality European bands the ability to set foot in the US. He even gave Vanden Plas a second Chance after they backed out of one show (Thank God!!!)
It sounds like I am taking up for Glenn, his co-workers, associates and employees etc. but no...... not in the least. America is a free country. If what you want to do is bitch.... hey that's your right, but....... many people like to bitch. You have just joined their bandwagon.
Am I doing the same thing? In essence yes, but what I am trying to accomplish is an end to the negativity. I think we should just look forward to the show and don't worry about the people who don't want to be there. It just seems better to me that way.

"The way I see it is...take a valium."

What was there about my original post which elicited this smartass comment? I was simply trying to explain the way things APPEAR don't really reflect the way things ARE.

"Glenn is not my buddy. I am a customer of his. It sounds like I am taking up for Glenn, his co-workers, associates and employees etc."

Gee. Thanks for your kind support.

"America is a free country. If what you want to do is bitch.... hey that's your right..."

I think Glenn has made himself abundantly clear on this point. You have absolute freedom in principle. But not here, in his own backyard on a forum where he makes the rules. It's a free country, true. But this is, essentially, private property. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to get my drift here.
teri said:
i'd bitch about it...i hear the disciples cant do harmony for s**t, and jesus sings with this really annoying vibrato...:D
Well, they sounded a lot better on the post-Judas reunion tour, you know, after Jesus left for a little while and came back (his voice really improved!), but even so, 6 of those guys are way too power and the other 6 are way too prog...
