A little taste of what to come (download a song?)...

Glad you liked it...
This song is yet an "Unreleased track" but is, probably, going to participate on a compilation CD that´ll be released in the summer.
We are still working on more songs for a new album and plan to go into the studio by autumn. So it´s, unfortunally, way ahead... : /
It wasn´t that long ago (late 2001) we released the album "Blessed by ignorance" so that´s the one we have to offer right now (see the homepage for info)...

Live well and keep on rockin´.... :D
Thx Sadistik... Well, we read alot of english at school here, so that´s not a mystery (starting at 3rd grade and reads through the whole school-time, about 10 years. University excluded.). ;P

Almost everyone read German, French or Spanish too. *puh*
Alot of language lessions!!! ;P
Man, I wish America was like that. I'm pissed at myself that I only know English and a small bit of Spanish. :( (Although I'm working to change that)
Kids in America should not be able to graduate high school without knowing at least 1 other non-native language. Thats the way I see it.

Oh yeah, and great song man :)
Thx guyz! I really appreciate all the nice words about our music! It seems like we´re on the right track with our music now. Everyone seems to like it! (Ehh... At least the ones who comments it). :)

transfixed > You, at least, have a big advantage who allready speaks the most common language (except Chinese). We others have to work our a*s off to learn it! :D But a "second" language is allways a big plus... :)
Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected

transfixed > You, at least, have a big advantage who allready speaks the most common language (except Chinese). We others have to work our a*s off to learn it! :D But a "second" language is allways a big plus... :)

Knowing a second language is great. I think we're at a disadvantage because it gives us more of a reason to avoid learning other languages. Oh well. Not much point in me bitching about it :p
god damn i hate my 56k.... i wanna hear it cause the way everyone talks, it kicks ass... but i have to wait 45 mother fucking mins
what is that multi-meter at the beginning?

originally, i thought it was a 9/8 followed by a 5/8, but the grouping's wrong for that.

it sounds like a 6/8 bar with an 8/8 (3+3+2) following it.
You wrote:
"originally, i thought it was a 9/8 followed by a 5/8, but the grouping's wrong for that. "

Being the drummer in the band, I guess it's up to me to deal with these questions? :D

You're kind of right...it's rather 7/4 than 9/8 & 5/8 (wich adds up to 14/8...split that in 2 and you have 7/4)

Interesting subject though...we don't usually get questions regarding odd groupings :)
-- wonders what all the hypes about, clicks link --

Hm. Mkay.

-- clicks something else --

Oh, man! Not again.

OK, so should I click the top thingy or the bottom thingy? Then what? Can I convert the whole site to English? Is there a THING that you can do that with? You know how many sites I've missed out on so far only because I can't read what it says?? O'well, let me know...

-- leaves thread
Looks like you´ve got into some problems mate...
Suppose you´re having problems downloading the song?
Am I right?

Test this:

RIGHT-click on the link beneath and choose "Save as..." (or is it "Save target as..." ?) on the menu.


IF you don´t right-click the link it doesn´t work at all! :(
I actually don´t know why...

Hope that helped you out. :D