a message from james!!!

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
hi folks, james has been having some difficulty posting, so i'm making this post on his behalf in response to the JAMES MURPHY NEWS post. feel free to respond to him!


Yes, i did actually play a little bit, but my primary job was producing. i just rescheduled my doctor appointments, refilled my prescriptions, and jumped into it. It was my first work of any sort since my surgery and it is coming out quite well. We still have to mix it... me and my friend Jason at AudioHammer... and it should end up being very cool, since it sounds killer already.
This session is the reason I have been so absent from this forum, but i don't have too much else going on for a while, so I should be dropping in a bit more often.
Thanks to all who have continued to post here!

p.s... the band recorded a cover version of Death's "Left To Die" and the guitar was played completely by myself and Jason.