A Metal Head's Christmas Lights and it ain't TSO

embed doesn't work for that video :-/

AND. That's a different one. That has too many lights, IMO.
Seems everyone is doing this now. I've seen a few others on you tube that are different than (I think) the original.

Original from last year that was also used as a Miller Light commercial.

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Seeing it done with Back in Black, which unlike the TSO clip actually has vocals, has tuend me on to tne notion that someone should set up the lights to make it look like the house is singing. I could see that being pretty cool. I would choose a better song than BiB, though.
One of my friends has the Wizards In Winter video on his FREAKIN PHONE. Not bad enough that he's gotta decorate his phone for the Xmas season, but he's got the technology to PLAY THE VIDEO ON HIS PHONE.

Penalty, #27 offense, excessive abuse of technology, 15 yards from the spot of the foul, repeat the down.