A Metalhead


The American Shinobi
Jan 18, 2006
Richmond, VA
Hey what's up guys. Just found this site off of Google and thought I'd join up...haven't been able to find a good community of metalheads to talk with and shit. Some of my favorite bands include Killswitch Engage, Trivium, God Forbid, Hammerfall, The Sentenced and Atreyu. Pretty much anything I can kill something too, lol ;) Anyways, glad to have found this little corner of cyberspace. Oh yeah, I'm also a member of the Century Media Street Team, which means I get forward notice of tour dates, releases and other news info on all the Century Media bands, which in case anyone doesn't know, includes Shadows Fall, God Forbid, Heaven Shall Burn, Lullacry, Eyes Of Fire, Nocturnal Rites, Strapping Young Lad, and Lacuna Coil. So if there's a news forum on here, which I'm sure there is, look there for any new info on all those bands and others too :) Peace guys.
well if you are indeed a metalhead, this is the place!

welcome to the forum board.

oh and if you know of when a Century Media band is gonna come to Wyoming...let me know...im lonley here!!!

*whispers - i dont count on any bands comming here lol