A new perspective


Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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Surely getting married and having a child is going to change your perspective on life. Given how much Mikael writes from the heart and his tendency to buck the expected trend, do you think he'll concetrate on writing about dark themes like they've tended too in the past? I forsee a more airy, light hearted opus next. Prove me wrong...or not, I'm sure it will be good.
Well, fatherhood will definately take up more of his "playstation" time!! It will also surely give him a new perspective on life. When you have kids, you no longer live for yourself, but for your children. I know it sounds like cheese, but its true.

And sweet majestic darkness, I really thought you had good post's in that other thread before moonlapse took it upon himself to lock a perfectly good discussion. I see your point exactly. I am a father of 2 and don't expose my 2 little girls to the Metal music that I love.

Now Mike & Anna on the other hand, they may have to expose their kids to Metal. After all, its their bread & butter.. Although, Mike may not want to growl "Once again I cried unto the moonnn..!!" while singing the kids to sleep ;)
Dude I think that would be awesome, that's actually one of my favorite vocal passages from Orchid at least. Heh, Maybe he will move into the sweeter, kinder side of metal. I'm sure most here are familiar with Lykathe Aflame (or lykathé as I hear the name has changed to) their lyrics are pretty non-metal if you want to call it that. Not exactly uplifting or anything, but they don't talk about what most grind bands talk about. Good stuff nonetheless. I want Opeth to make a pop record, that would be great.
im hoping he writes dark themes like he always has, at least for this new album! but if he does decide not to do anything like he has in the past, im hoping his new (?) writing style will at the very least be as thought provoking and emotional compared to his old one.
deliverance said:
i can understand the argument that fatherhood changes a lot in your life, but i can still see mikael going in the same direction (dark, etc) as the past, musically/lyrically, in the future
thank god you said this, D1. i was getting depressed with the previous posts.
for what its worth, im married but i dont have children. i too can understand the importance they may take on. however, i cant think of any artist who changed their work as a result of having to change diapers or start driving subaru station wagons. someone that comes to mind is stephen king. he had two young children when he was writing his best stuff. it was only after he stopped drinking and doing drugs that his work suffered. heh heh.
oh well, if opeth changes for the worse, i just wont buy their stuff. no harm done.
Man, people love to bash King so much...yeah, ill admit some of his early books were his greatest, but come on, the man has written so much of such quality that its impossible to out-do himself with every book. Besides, he did The Regulators and Desperation while off drugs and booze, and they were excellent!
ack! i wasnt bashing on king. i have every single one of his books including a very rare second printing of salems lot, and all of the dark tower series. notice that i put the all-important "heh heh" after that statement. that means that i was laughing at his supposed regression. critics always say this. i dont agree.
i will say, though, that i think his work after the regulators is not very good. black house was unreadable and buick 8 was average at best. the dark tower series is untouchable though.
I have three little girls and I am just as twisted, dark and cynical as ever. I just try not to be around them, but it is all still there in my head. I would be very surprised if the new album is anything but the dark stuff they are known for.
RjBeals said:
It will also surely give him a new perspective on life. When you have kids, you no longer live for yourself, but for your children. I know it sounds like cheese, but its true.

And gay.

RjBeals said:
And sweet majestic darkness, I really thought you had good post's in that other thread before moonlapse took it upon himself to lock a perfectly good discussion. I see your point exactly. I am a father of 2 and don't expose my 2 little girls to the Metal music that I love.


Sadly, most couples that have just recently had a child become highly annoying. I'd go so far to say that they surpass the obnoxious and washed up gay "heaven on earth" feel most newlyweds have. Life revolves around the baby, which in many cases is proper ... but get over it. So your wife bore you a child because nine months ago you fucked her brains out during an evening of drowning in booze. Big fuckin' deal.

Either way, unless Mikael is one of those pussy guys (in which the majority of those wimps populate this world) I don't think his music will change. Sure, a new perspective on life but nothing significant.
deliverance said:
i can understand the argument that fatherhood changes a lot in your life, but i can still see mikael going in the same direction (dark, etc) as the past, musically/lyrically, in the future

I agree. Having a kid shouldn't change the darkness of the music.

the_3_toed_sloth said:
he did The Regulators and Desperation while off drugs and booze, and they were excellent!

Yup. Regulators was a great book.