A new song by me - folky


Boom King
Aug 24, 2006
Hellbourne, Australia
I have no idea how to describe this song. It was pretty natural, I picked up an acoustic guitar and pressed record. The intro is exacltly that take, and then after that, I figured out some chords and some more chords. Then I put pen to paper and pretty much wrote some words, it was really 'stream of consciousness'. So even though they sound like they may have meaning, they dont. Freud would say they did, but I say no! The vocal melody lines are made up on the spot, so excuse me if they sound A LITTLE like 'Allure of the Earth', as I realised a little way through!

The percussion sounds are:
Deep booms - tapping the diaphragm of an SM57, with lots of EQ and reverb
Woody clicks - tapping the body of my acoustic guitar, right up close to the horn.
Clicky sounds - doing a kind of 'karate chop' on the strings of the acoustic, above the sound hole. My left hand is muting the strings.

There are a few mistakes here and there but overall I'm pretty pleased with it. My vocals are mainly shite, I'm a fairly horrible singer who can't hold a note under pressure! The whole 'singing into a mic while the clicks are clicking and the sounds are sounding' thing kinda freaks me out, so I get nervous and start shaking, I'm a much better singer just around and about. In the shower! I can actually do fairly good vibrato, and have an ever-growing vocal range, ranging from super low bass to the range of a 'normal person' or maybe a little higher.

Please tell me what you think!

Wow, I've written rather a lot in the time it's taken to put it on mega-upload. Its still going, that's why I'm typing this. Don't I have anything better to do than type at nobody (everybody?) on a forum about the status of my uploading? Gah gonna play Minesweeper. I lost.
