a new video for my adoring fans

Sounds like you are playing on the neck pickup or something but it's good. I don't think it's anything I'd really choose to listen to over any of the bands I buy cds of (at least this version) but keep it up.
the verse kinda sounds like a riff in one of our bands songs.. thought I'd mention that :p

it's definately better then the last one.. nice :)
Sinister Mephisto said:
Sounds like you are playing on the neck pickup or something but it's good. I don't think it's anything I'd really choose to listen to (at least this version) but keep it up.
i think its cause of the body wood on this guitar, i never really liked mahogony bodies compared to say alder like my rhoads v... and i'm using the patch for my universe, which is made for basswood with a scooped mids tone due to the pickups, and the x2n in this thing is definately not scooped mids
Just a few decent riffs don't make a good song. And at some points, the song structure sounds just like a copy of your earlier song. Sorry for my negativity, but if you want to bash aydy, you'll have to be more creative than that.

Edit: I'm glad it doesn't have vocals.
? theres not a single riff in this like any riff in the other song, unless having a down picked riff makes them the same. and this riff is 6 months older than the new song.
Elysian893 said:
? theres not a single riff in this like any riff in the other song, unless having a down picked riff makes them the same. and this riff is 6 months older than the new song.

I meant the fitting of the riffs, the structure. Its like this song, and the other you posted, are from the same song.
Elysian893 said:
i think its cause of the body wood on this guitar, i never really liked mahogony bodies compared to say alder like my rhoads v... and i'm using the patch for my universe, which is made for basswood with a scooped mids tone due to the pickups, and the x2n in this thing is definately not scooped mids

That'll do it. It's overwhelming how many different things affect guitar tone. o_O :)
Jesse- said:
I meant the fitting of the riffs, the structure. Its like this song, and the other you posted, are from the same song.
funny, they don't feel even remotely similar to me, and i'm sure they don't to anyone else with half a brain either.