a nod to the greats...


Borneo Function
Mar 13, 2008
heres some British Deathrash Metal...

We're all huge Testament fans, assume the position is very much a nod to the lads!

Let me know what you think!

If you like it, add us!
no, definately... i hear that man. Death isn't really my favorite genre either, im more of a thrash man myself... actually; truth be told I love rocknroll ahaha.

I suppose it's just the way we've all grown up that makes us write the way we do!
yeah man, I love jazz; Charles Mingus, Art Blakely, Coleman Hawkins, John Coltrane etc but you don't find much of it in there. We all grew up listening to Van Halen, Guns 'n' Roses, Extreme etc... then we got PanterA 101 and basically went to some live metal shows and decided we wanted to play metal to people who fucking love it!