A plea for help from the Dark Tranquillity collectors...


The Collector
Oct 14, 2004
What is the going price for a mint condition copy of the limited 10" version of "The Gallery"?

I have to provide a valuation for my insurance company as they obviously cannot replace it for me. Mine got quite badly damaged when my roof leaked. o_O

I have been provided with one valuation already, I just wanted to check what the rest of the people that will really know how much they sell for.

Many thanks in anticipation!

I have trawled through the old threads to see if I can find the answer anywhere, but not come up with the answer. Sorry if I have missed it.
WOW. I should check eBay more often!! Last time I saw this edition of The Gallery it STARTED at 40$ or so and 30 minutes prior to the end of the auction the price reached $150.
plintus said:
WOW. I should check eBay more often!! Last time I saw this edition of The Gallery it STARTED at 40$ or so and 30 minutes prior to the end of the auction the price reached $150.

Thanks for the info!

I must admit I have been keeping my eyes open for a replacement for quite a while now, but I have never seen any go that low for many years.

Is that the normal price you would expect on eBay then? Or would you expect more or less?

Has anyone bought one over the last couple of years?


Actually, having looked at that one again I would not have bought it in that condition.

Mine was in absolutely unmarked pristine condition, without even a crease on it. I am very picky about things like that.
Yep, I'm pretty sure The Gallery of that edition (3000 copies worldwide?) can easily reach 150 USD. Strange, but The Mind's I from the same seller was around the listing time price (35 was it?) at the moment TG reached 150. Both were coming from Italy, not sure about the condition.

As I rate it - fucking xpensive. But - worth it.
Well, first of all, you not only suffered its loss but you also suffered undeniable psychological damage. You tell those insurance sonsofbitches that you were an avid and dedicated Dark Tranquillity fan, and that the disc you lost was priceless.
It isn't possible for them to repay you of the true cumulative value of such a prized possession, but since sooner or later everything boils down to economics, you must present your case to them as follows:
$150 approximate purchasing value, as indicated by the latest relevant information.
+ $50/unit psychological damage, which in your case is probably 11 or 12 since you seem like quite the DT fanboy. (12 x $50 )
+ the estimated appreciation of its face value over time, which you can say has been about 9 years. I took the liberty to estimate the yearly appreciation for you to be 30%. So ( fv + 9(.3 fv) ) which brings it to ( $150 + 9(.3 $150)) or $555
+ 10 times that, since you must multiply it by the radius (in inches) We're not talking about losing a simple little CD here..
+ a bonus of $5545 for the rarity of said item, which we can all corroborate for you, if so needed.
and, of course + my service fee which is only $100 bucks (today only)

This brings the total to $20000 ..which you can easily round up, if the insurance clowns are a little distracted, to..

..wan. millien. dalla.
Thanks, that is indeed funny. Although not something I can send onto them!

I was completely gutted and said to them that I doubted I could ever find another copy in quite the same perfect condition (I had literally only played it about 5 times as I bought a regular copy at the same time).

All they said was, provide us with a written quotation. "From where?", I asked. "I don't know" was the reply. Of course, the dilemma I have is that it I am only ever likely to be able to buy another from a collector, so the only way that I can get a true valuation is to get them from collectors... or at least that makes sense to me?

Was not sure what to do, so I asked GTranquillity (I think) through her website. Just wanted to see what the other collectors paid for theirs (unless they all bought theirs on release like I did).
Soulburner said:
I think $150 or 200 would be the right valuation (although I bought my copy for only $40 or something).

If they want any kind of quotation, you may just quote them some press-release which says that edition of the Gallery was limited to 3000 copies worldwide (and the release was 8 years ago). I suppose this may work.

How long ago did you pay that little for one?
If you pay more than $50 you are paying too much. I paid much less for both The Gallery and The Mind's I.
i got a copy in good (but not quite mint) condition a couple of days ago for 320 swedish crowns, which i think right now is 45 or so(?) us dollars.