a poem i hath written

(c. november 2002)

*no name yet*

ash on blackened ground reminds me of something familiar
a heritage of nobility withering in dampened decay
a patch of grass smitten by Autumnal death
a notion now lost to a world of unfamiliarity
smoke rising to interweave with the celestial sky
(from the dawn of time it has been as this)
dance to the rhythm of flames, keeping time with the silence of night
(a four-post bed of cedar siding)
shivering remnants of departed haze, fading then gone
a ripple in brackish water becomes still once more
(talcum to beautify visage of white)
night enthroned!, luminescent blue
(flowers adorn like eden)
here lie the ghosts of earthen twilight
(here lies)
morn no more
(mourn no more)
and deliverance never comes
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