A question about guitar picks

Well, it is personal pref, but you will be better off with a thick pick. Thin ones are god for strumming 'cause they are bendy. If you are speed picking, having the pick flap around will slow you down. I use a 1.5mm pick.
i can only tell you what i know from our guitarist as i play bass (finger picking).

it's total up to personal preference. he used to play 2mm ones like malmsteen does, but he switched recently to these ultra thin ones (0.2mm that is i think) and prefers them now any day over the thick ones. i also like the sound of the thin ones better as they are much smoother in sound.
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Well, it is personal pref, but you will be better off with a thick pick. Thin ones are god for strumming 'cause they are bendy. If you are speed picking, having the pick flap around will slow you down. I use a 1.5mm pick.
I use 1.0 mm
I just CANT STAND anything thinner than 2mm.

It just feels like they're too loose and you don't have enough control over the string.

I use the Dunlop tortex ones with the frosted feel, but I can't find anywhere that sells them anymore!! :cry:

The thicker the pick the more attack and volume you get out of your strings, so it's gotta be the thicker option!
I loose feel when I use 2mm picks, One of our guitars players swore by them, then I got him to use the 1mm nylons, there really is no give but you can grip the fuckes. I if you loose volume, turn up to 11!:lol:
Originally posted by AjDeath
I loose feel when I use 2mm picks, One of our guitars players swore by them, then I got him to use the 1mm nylons, there really is no give but you can grip the fuckes. I if you loose volume, turn up to 11!:lol:


I've worked my way up through the thickness so I'm completely comfortable with the heavies. Whenever I try to turn my amp up to 11 I just break the fucking volume control off. Ah well.

NEhoo, the other reason I like 'em is that you don't get a 'pick scratch' sound with heavies. Whenever I use thins I can't help but notice the sound of the pick coming through in the sound.
Dunlops are nice, but they have to be at least 1mm, thicker the better. I like the gator ones a lot now as well, 2mm is a good thickness.

But the ones I really like for fast tremelo picking stuff are Clayton USA picks, small jazz like ones about 1.5mm. They are a bit weird to start with but give you excellent control once you're used to them.

Apart from that thick picks are good. Thicker picks enable you to hit pinch harmonics better, don't bend and keep you in control. Don't want any flapping around during frenetic picking!
Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees
Dunlops are nice, but they have to be at least 1mm, thicker the better. I like the gator ones a lot now as well, 2mm is a good thickness.

But the ones I really like for fast tremelo picking stuff are Clayton USA picks, small jazz like ones about 1.5mm. They are a bit weird to start with but give you excellent control once you're used to them.

Apart from that thick picks are good. Thicker picks enable you to hit pinch harmonics better, don't bend and keep you in control. Don't want any flapping around during frenetic picking!

'kin right!

I like to use those little dunlop stubbies for jazz, they're really good for arpeggiating and note picking, but as soon as you go for more than one string at a time, like a lot of fast metal, I find them a real hinderance! Dunno why, they just don't catch all the strings and kind of skip over them.
I started off using .8mm dunlops, and have used everything from 1mm to .6mm (which I use now). I liked the heavier ones at first because I felt like I had more control, but I realized that I was playing with way too much tension- I was squeezing the shit out of the pick, so I switched to lighter picks (at the suggestion of one of the dudes in Serberus). I don't notice a difference in speed/sound, but I definitely notice that I'm not overly tense- no more cramping during fast downstrokes and the like. Oh, and you can hit artificial harmonics much cleaner with a thin pick.
Yeah! Try Hitting more than one string is hard with those stubbies, but for controlled single note playing a sheer tremelo picking speed they kick arse!

But those new dunlop gator's have got me hooked, someone gave me a black 2mm to try out and it's brilliant!
Depends on what I feel like using at the time. It's mainly a personal preference thing, and no one can tell you what's "best".

I use Tortex Green and Purple, mostly. Though the yellow and blue are good too.

I think I prefer the feel of the material more than I do the actual thickness, as the Dunlop Gatorz (gator grips) are good too, but a bit thick for my liking.