A quick bit, your opinion?


New Metal Member
Apr 10, 2011
I took perhaps the most cliched, mundane riff - slaughtered it, and called it a "metal" riff and took to mixing it >_>


and another more lengthy mix

I've been trying to put together something with SD2 for a general kit that I can load up from project to project, and I had hoped to hear everyone's opinion on it :) Is it a good start to an appealing mix?

I had to stop myself from time to time because I ended up with very overprocessed drums that simply had no cohesive sound to them. This time around I just kept it more stupid simple, keeping most of the dry sound and utilizing more of the room mics.

Using ampsim and impulses for the bass and guitars. Can't seem to get any real 3D or depth to the sound regarding those, even while employing some room impulses and adjusting how much they run into it. So I just decided to do away with it for now so as to not mud up anything further XP

Looking forward to your posts!