A quick personal note on Serenity


Aug 1, 2002
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Ok, I have stated plenty of times on the forum that I wasn't a fan of Serenity. Countless times I have said that I wasn't a fan because they did nothing for me, they sounded boring, etc.

This morning I decided to listen to their most recent album Fallen Sanctuary, I figured why not give them another chance. I must say that I changed my opinion about the band.

Granted, I still think the vocalist reminds me a bit much of Tony Kakko, as well as the melodies and hooks sound a bit like Sonata Arctica. Aside from that (which is not necessarily that bad of a thing), I think this album is very strong, there are some amazing songs in this. The album is very, very good. For those of you who didn't like it, give it another chance! It may be worth it.

So, yeah. I just figured I'd get that out. :headbang:
It might have started the other way around but nowadays Sonata Arctica are a poor man's Serenity.
I was thinking of the music recently released by both bands, not of sales figures, and notoriety. When Serenity started it might have been easy to think of them as a Sonata wannabe given the similiraties between the bands mentioned by the TS. But IMHO the most recent output by Sonata pales in comparison to the latest Serenity release.
Fatesfan will vouch for me here, that I'm not a Sonata Arctica fan at all. As a matter of fact, I chose to leave a free showing in Knoxville last year. Granted, I was pissed off to no end at the Nightwish situation, but that's beside the point.

With that said, I do hear the comparisons to Sonata, but Serenity's music is at a much higher level for me, personally. I was hooked on Serenity at pretty much first listen.

But IMHO the most recent output by Sonata pales in comparison to the latest Serenity release.

I remember when Serenity came out with Fallen Sanctuary a few months ago that I thought this was what the latest Sonata Arctica album SHOULD have sounded like! :)

I wasn't a fan of Serenity before this album, but this album won me over big time! :OMG: