A Quick Question For You Amp Boosters :)

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hey guys,
It's been a long time since I started a thread here. Hope all of you are doing great. :)

So here's my scenario:
The MT2 > 5150 combination has been rocking my socks off lately. This is exactly the tone I was looking for all those years.

Here are my settings:

Level: 12 o clock
Dist: 8 o clock
... And I take out the lows and a subtle amount of the higher mids.

I would be would posting clips whenever I get the chance to sit back and relax. Life's too jumbled up.

What are you guys going for?
have an old one lying around the studio which has been used to boost a few guys amps when they havent had a od and mine hasnt been about, didnt dislike it

otherwise ive been using a bbe green screamer into my mesa recto, i find it sounds alot better/brighter than my maxon 808 which sounds better in front of the 6505 and xxx

horses for courses though, naturally
Does it actually kill off some of that extreme high end like a TS does though?
I use an MT2 in front of my JSX and our other guitarist uses one in front of his Dual Recto. Love them as a boost, nice kind of Aborted type tone. They're great for death metal and grind :headbang:
Love my MT2 with rectifier. Perfect Pat O'brien tone.

My setting of choice:
Everything else:11

All setting are o'clock btw